It's A Dangerous World Out There...
Kevin Brock of the FBI came last weekend and gave a fantastic talk to 70+ guys about the world of pornography, child abuse and violence in our society. Men of all ages, including several guys from the St. Martin's Youth Group, showed up at 7:30am to hear the message.
To say that Kevin is an expert on the dangers we face in the world today would be an understatement. As a director of Anti-Terrorism in the FBI and a 20+ year career in the Bureau to go along with being a husband and father of 1 boy and 7 girls (God Bless him!!), he had us hanging on every word.
There's no doubt that we live in a dangerous world. The criminal element is all around us. The really scary thing to me is the way our society tolerates and even encourages immorality and impurity. With the advent of the internet and more and more households online all the time, we really need to be careful.
Thanks Kevin for sharing with us your insights! We will no doubt revisit this issue indepth in future MoE meetings. Looking forward to seeing everyone again this weekend.
Peace and God Bless!
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